Hello my friends,
This post will be brief - I know I took a bit of a break last week as well but it has been a very tough 2 weeks in my personal life and unfortunately, I am not where I would like to be. However, I had a comment for some reader interest about where my ideas come from and how I am personally feeling about writing this book, so I thought I would share a couple of my ideas.
For starters, there is no good time for me to sit down and write. Preferably, it would be in the morning/afternoon but seeing as I am always working or sleeping, because no matter how hard I try to be I am absolutely not a morning person, that is not an ideal condition. There is also the factor that I live at home with 4 other people in my house and 4 animals, so it is always chaotic here. That being said, I am doing my absolute best.
Secondly, I did not really think about the load that this research and product would bring me to. I am really hoping to have a chapter or so written by this time next week, because I have some ideas laid out. When these ideas come to me, the notes app on my phone is my best friend and my saviour. I could not be as organized as I am without it because otherwise, all of my notes would be written on my hand. As I mentioned at the beginning of this project, I recently rekindled my love of reading for pleasure and that is where this original idea came from. However, as I move further along into the actual production of my project, I am slowly realizing that I should have just stuck to reading. I still plan on making a product out of all of my research, because I am determined to make something happen. What that something will be however, I am uncertain. Thanks for following along thus far, I apologize for the briefness of this post but next week will be much better and I hope you all enjoy what I have!
Until then!